About Me

My name is Vasil Dimitrov, but friends call me Vasko. I am doing my PhD in theoretical physics in KU Leuven. You can find my (as of now lonely single paper :D) here: https://inspirehep.net/literature/1805292. I am passionate about revealing the inner workings of modern research in an accessible and engaging way. I made this blog to do exactly that.

In the Physics for Everyone category you can find blog posts which I intend to write in a way that are understandable to anyone with a high school degree and sometimes a rudimentary understanding of calculus (I highly recommend checking out 3blue1brown‘s youtube series: Essence of Calculus if you want to gain that rudimentary understanding).

As I go about my research I also make short technical notes on subjects that are relevant for my work. You can find them under the category Technical Notes. These might be useful to a fellow PhD student, that is interested in the same topics as I am.

Occasionally, I will write a post that is concerned with my workflow, and habits/approaches that I find useful in navigating the exciting, often times demanding, world of academia in the category Productivity.

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Happy reading!